Wednesday, November 30, 2011

High Hopes

"The gift bestow be use  to partake in moving the nation of these last days onward to perfection"
         This line was not quoted yesterday at the CEM(College of Evangelical Ministry) Auditorium when  officers of the INC unity games assembled an event they called- I.T and Social Media Boot Camp, but it is the message I clearly understood aside from the duties and responsibilities  that had been laid and agreed to hold on to, to each of the brethren who attended the said event.
This message is so clear it ignite a cold awaiting passion inside me... in less than half a day lecture it gives me bright and wide idea of how things supposedly be done, a great overview of a mission, a high hopes equipped with wisdom, guided by the christian teachings.

           The session (boot camp) ended around 3:00 in the afternoon yet I still have this unexplained tingling sensation inside me as I write this post half past midnight. I was so thrilled just hearing the outline of the future activities what more seeing it happen, Therefore I encourage all the brethren to stay up to date and be informed

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